Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Search for (Im)Perfection

It's all anyone every wants. That's right, if any of us could have one thing and one thing alone, it's perfection. The Patriots want it. Roger Federer wants it. And I want it. But now there are throngs of society telling me and every other idealist out there that we can't have perfection. Nobody's perfect adn expecting to be will set you up for nothing but failure. Quit while you're ahead. Be happy with what you have.

To them I say... SCREW YOU!
I have not lived out 26 years of my life to be told that there are things that can not be accomplished. At one point space travel was impossible. Before that simple air flight was impossible. Heck, every one of us starts as a crawling mess of a baby that sees walking, vertically-enabled adults taunting us with what we can't do (Don't act like you never reached hopelessly for that cookie that was precariously placed on the coffee table.)

So, if we have accomplished all of those things, why not perfection too? Supposedly perfection is tarnished by a single mistake, but I'm saying here and now that that's rubbish. Perfection comes from handling mistakes. Fixing that flat tire. Calling that scorned friend. Not quitting on yourself. Hell, the best wins are always the comebacks, so why assume that perfection requires Boardwalk and Park Place. I'll whoop you with New York Avenue any day of the week. So if you want to see perfection, create it. It never goes away.

2 Responses:

Annoymous said...

dun forget perfection will drive you crazy too

Anonymous said...

WHY in the World would you want to fight yourself on this issue ?? Perfection to each is Happiness and whatever form encapsulates this individual state .. i.e. = alot of folks are just plain happy if they are Rich, Wealthy and Powerful, maybe Donald Trump is Happy, but not Perfect .. maybe not ? seen in his forever pursuit of more and more What exactly ... more $$$ or More Power or More Fame ?? I guess you seem to believe he is in pursuit of more of all that and even MORE than that.

Ok .. so perfection and Happiness may not be the same ... which is worth more ??
Accomplishments are another issue .. and have nothing to do with Perfection or Happiness.
Love it when you say "Create It"
I do believe each of us Creates our own Perfection and each of us have a level that we think perfection sits on ... the perfect artist must have a Hell a time!! Create it and what to do tomorrow ??

P.S. == the Patriots did not get it and the Giants got Accomplishment with a SUPERBowl WIN !!

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