Saturday, March 29, 2008


Sometimes it just feels like everything in the world is being blown to pieces. When I say this i speak of an individual's world and not the world at large. However, strangely enough, this may be the first time in my life that I am welcoming the change.

It's almost as if their has been a snail creeping ever so slowly toward the reset button on the NES of my life and finally after umpteen years, the snail is about to complete his life's work.

So what the hell is a person supposed to do in this situation? I see the carnage around me and trust me, the fireworks display is downright amazing, but the hamster in my head is really wondering if he should be abandoning his wheel.
Akums Razor says to go with the simplest solution which would seem to be do nothing and so far that is what I have done, but who's to say that I can't run into the fire and carnage and come out unscathed and arguably better for the experience?
It all comes down to determining what risks are necessary. Maybe life has just gotten too comfortable recently? I feel like it's time to live. Live in the same way that you feel alive at the peak of a roller coaster on second before you plummet. With that, only one thing can be said...
Game on.

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