Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stability... Like Jello.

Feel that Wobble, Feel that wiggle. There was a time in my life that all I wanted to do was avoid the feeling that my life was a Bill Cosby commercial.

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have been a Huxtable, but as far as the pudding and the creepy molds, I'll pass.

All I ever wanted was to know what life would be like day in and day out. Order was my God and Routine was my mistress.

Now i think all of that may be overrated. I wanted things to be routine because when they were I would always know what I was doing. As a result, I would be guaranteed to succeed on a daily basis. That can feel pretty good.

But thinking back, all of my best moments have come when I had to relinquish control. No one told me what words I would be receiving in my 5th grade spelling bee. Hell, no one told me that my pants would split on stage during an aerial split. However, these moments were defining for me and the stable moments in my life are significantly more forgettable.

So if I am aiming to live a life that could be chronicled in the annals of history, maybe I need to introduce a little more jello into my life. I hear the Lemon-Lime is delicious.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Quickie...

Why doesn't the pop-o-matic bubble apply to real life?

It most definitely isn't fun getting into trouble, but popping a 6 to get out of a rut would be a lot easier than completing a full slate of Operation surgeries (And avoiding setting off that red nose can be quite the charge.)

I mean think about it. If getting out of a difficult situation was never more than a one in 6 shot, I think there'd be a whole lot of popping going on.

So here's to Trouble. Proof that all of life's happiness can be contained in a tiny plastic dome .

Take that Magic 8 Ball!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh Brother...

Big Brother 9 marks an interesting point in my life. It is the first time that I chose actively not to watch an entire season of the summer fun fest.

In reality I was just swamped with work and coping with a night shift, but hearing the about the season via friends with bleeding retinas, I think my timing could not have been more fortunate.

But now the producers have committed to going Christina Aguilera on season 10, going "Back to Basics."
If they are being fully honest, which is hard to believe, we may finally see a reality show stand on the two feet that the genre was created on. Placing ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances and letting things play out naturally. That's what made Survivor Borneo strike gold. That's why MTV faithful still cite the first season of the Real World as one of if not the very best.

This is not to say that the more salacious shows do not have their places in the television landscape. They do and many of them are amazingly entertaining. But I have always felt that the most enthralling drama occurs in every day life and if BB10 strays too far away from that, numero diez could be the end of this Julie Chen helmed summer struggle.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

On the Road Again

There was a time when I really wanted to travel. I remember in 7th Grade begging my parents to let me go on a trip to Western Europe. They waited 5 years for the opportunity to re-present itself before they granted my request.

That trip was interesting to say the least, and Switzerland is gorgeous, but now that I am taking the opportunity to do a little more domestic travel, I wonder why the hell we call ourselves states.

Shouldn't we really be the United Countries of America. Each state technically has its own government and states rights is a time-honored constitutional principle, but continuing to use the moniker of state rather than country creates the illusion that we are all one. United.

Take a look at the election night map, and you know instantly that is not true.

Now don't read this as a secessionist manifesto. Just read it as one man saying that we should more openly embrace the differences between Mississippi an Montana. Between Alabama and Arizona. God knows Sports fans know the difference between Massachusetts and New York. Heck socially, Bostonians speak a "different" language from New Yawkers.

Maybe if we had a better appreciation for the less than subtle nuances, we would value what we have at home just a little more. I know that I find myself yearning for stability from time to time, searching for the familiar rather than the newer, greener pastures. But in the prime of my youth, a prime that will last at least until I am 40, I'm willing to take the ride.

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