Thursday, August 21, 2008

Get in the Game...

Shameless EA plug I know. Sometimes though it's the best answer. Do any of us really understand how often we choose to ride the pine? Seriously, how many times in your life can you say that you fully participated in everything that you wanted to do? More than likely, some amount of fear paralyzed you and before you knew it time had passed along with opportunity. Then all you are left with is a giant bowl of "What if?"

Well I am here to tell you that "What If?" tastes like Alpo. I'd knock SPAM, but I have a long established relationship with the Hormel company that dates back to Latin Club.

Regardless, in a world full of Filet Mignon and Ben & Jerry's, how dare any of us sit down at the end of the day and delude ourselves into believing that the three bowls of Alpo we had were delicious?

So, let's say goodbye to our craptacular menus, no matter how big or small they may be and start dining at the Ritz.

...Or at least upgrade to Taco Bell. (Chilitos, I will always miss you.)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What's Your Fantasy?

Riches? Fame? World Peace? Who knows what it is that you dream about at night or keeps you going during the day, but I do know that if there isn't something driving you, your life will be a world of hurt.

Isn't that basically what the American dream is all about? Hope springing eternal? Hope for a better tomorrow?

I'll never say that I am infallible, but leaving things up to hope is a dangerous game to be playing. When you don't actively pursue hope, she transforms into this evil mistress called fate. And trust be Hope is more fun to hang out with. She'll at least let you choose the movie once in a while. Fate will chain you down and put "Beaches" on repeat.

For that matter, Hope and Fate are kind of like "Hope and Faith ." Kelly Ripa (Hope) has career options while Faith Ford (What the heck has she done?) is doomed to acting purgatory.

Long Story Short. Chase Hope. She's a fine catch. Even if you never catch her, the adventures you have while trying will be a heck of a lot better than spending an eternity with Fate, her older and much uglier sister.

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