Sunday, November 9, 2008

Football Follies

Let me go on the record saying that this weekend of Football just plain sucked. Yes, the Giants won, I know (Philly you still have baseball) but Penn State's loss was atrocious. The beauty of Penn State's loss however is that I don't have to freak about the BCS screwing the Nittany Lions anymore. The G-Men on the other hand are another story. If they keep flirting with losses we are going to have another Cleveland on our hands.

Look at me talking like I can affect this, as if the outcome is in the hands of the fans. Yeah, prepare for the proverbial lap bar ladies and germs (see Roller Coaster of Life Post). This second half of the football season will surely be a doozy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We Interrupt This Message...

...To announce that Barack Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States. For those of you expecting me to spout off on some sort of metaphorical tirade, you can forget it. Barack Obama is simply a man who wishes to serve his country and make America a better place. He shares the core intentions that should be innate in every person to hold the office of President and I can only hope that as Americans we can rally behind him and by doing so rally behind ourselves. Soapbox disengaged.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Roller Coaster... of Life

Yeah, It's been a while since I've posted, but then again, I've never really been the type to keep a diary. Life has been a roller coaster and I would like to take a moment out of my busy day to address the lap bar.

the lap bar is the most sinister instrument ever invented in the roller coaster of life. It keeps you locked into the ride through every single twist and turn, good or bad, but it still lacks the total security of a seat belt and shoulder harness.

Oh, the lap bar is not your friend my children. It takes sadistic pleasure in watching you scream down the journey of life even though it has traveled the same path numerous times before and always live to tell the tale.

So, why do we even get on the first place? Maybe it's the adrenaline rush of knowing that crazy things beyond imagination could happen. Or maybe we are peace seekers, looking for a gentle kiddie ride at a state fair. All I know is that in life you don't get to pick the ride. It could be Space Mountain, or it might be Millennium Force (pictured to the right).

Man, what I would give to be at the peak of Millennium Force right now...

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