Friday, January 2, 2009

Get in the Game!

For someone who tends to be really good at games its surprising how few I have played recently. It's as if I am denying my own heritage. From a young age my parents taught me to be competitive, analyze awkward situations and perform under pressure. Yet, the only awkward situations I have been in recently are the ones that come from attending holiday parties (and even those weren't that awkward).

It's probably true of all of us that we have periods in our lives that we stray from what defines us at our core. But how do we reclaim that which centers us and is oh so precious?

Trial by fire can yield some messy results. Easing in can often take too long and be thwarted by other distractions. And creating polar choices that leave no room for a grey area tends to be crippling (especially when it comes to blog narratives).

So that said, I'm not going to close this blog topic with and all knowing to poignant response. There shall be no catharsis. Just an unbearably uncomfortable openness to suggestions...

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