Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Days are Here Again

The Holidays or "holy days" are upon us. So why is it that most people I know aren't very happy? While I am sure that each person has their own individual drama, they mostly seem to be stressed out by the preparation needs associated with both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Why are we supposed to be happy at this time of year anyway? Sure, we get yummy food on Thanksgiving, but we slave over a stove for 3 days prior and suffer on a treadmill for a full week afterwards. All this only to have our credit cards attacked by a red-suited bastion named Santa who likes to litter our living room floors with pine needles, wrapping paper and a curious amount of pastry crumbs. (OK, so maybe children should be blamed for that last part)

Sure, my view of the holidays may be pretty jaded, but from the perspective of someone who has worked on 5 of the last 6 collective Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, let me say this. Delaying my celebration of the holidays has not made them any less satisfying. In many ways, the holidays are even better.

Celebrating Christmas 4 days late allows me to take advantage of after Christmas sales that really should be before Christmas. Eating turkey a week late helps me avoid traffic when visiting my family, and shockingly, a turkey cooked a week after Thanksgiving still tastes like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Thus, I implore you. Please do you and your loved ones a favor. Take the pressure off of the holidays. Who cares if you can't get your shopping done on time or if the store ran out of cranberry sauce? Give gifts before during and after ChristmHanuKwanzakuh. Dine on turkey all November long, fixings included. Most importantly, laugh love and live. Stress is nothing more than our willingness to let things make us miserable.

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