Monday, January 21, 2008

PlayCafe a.k.a. Trivia Bliss

Make sure that you check out PlayCafe, the live streaming internet game show where you are the contestant. Be forewarned, I am head writer for the show, so questions may be closer than they appear. Good Luck and Have Fun!

The Year of the Ex

Why does it feel like it's Halloween? After all it is only January. Something about the new year brings back the visages of everyone that you thought you had once escaped. It's as if everyone has made a New Year's resolution to reconnect with their past... even if it should stay that way.

So this year, I am actually making an attempt to join the fanfare for the common man. That means a lot of people are getting second chances and some are getting the first chance that I never gave them. I guess my hope is that something positive will come from all of this.

Things such as having more friends, being exposed to different perspectives and way of life, being able to trust someone (anyone). All of these things should have a great value in any individual's life.

Primarily though, I am breaking up with myself. I don't like the person that I was last year, and it's time for a change. So as I reunite with all of these people from the past I look forward to improving my relationship with myself. Here's to a new me, and hopefully a new you too.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year, New You

Welcome to 2008. It's a little crazy to think that another year has gone by, but every new year provides us all with, in essence, a do-over.

Did you feel remorse for cutting that class last January?

Not asking that girl out in April?

Eating that entire pizza pie in September?

...or drinking all 17 of those shots your "friends" gave you in November? (maybe it was 26..)

No matter how you look at it. All of 2007 is officially in the past and this new year is a chance to create a new you. So instead of making small improvements or making resolutions, why not be that person that you fantasize about. You know, the one with the brilliant mind, perfect body and all the popularity to boot.

Even if you are moreso a realist than an idealist, just fake it until you make it. Realize what "perfection" may cost. You may lose friends, alienate family or even awaken fears within yourself. However, if all of this change helps you to not only find but also attain your inner truth, the risks and losses will be worth it and the gains will be immense.

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