Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lack of Intelligent Life...

A lack of knowledge can make life very difficult. Yet some people seem to succeed despite this (see video). Is there something to be said of those of us that can succeed without the aid of mental fortitude? Frankly, it's pretty darn impressive.

I only wish that I had the ability to charm my way to the top, however, I like many others will instead have to follow the mundane route using my intelligence and guile. So,when the former Miss Teen South Carolina and I eventually meet face to face (it's bound to happen, right?) There is going to be one big question. And no, that question has nothing to do with offspring or "five to the face."

The question will simply be: Who's Smarter?

After all, the former Miss Teen South Carolina is fully aware of what her assets are and at a very young age has put them to great use. As for me, time will tell.

So, if any of you see the former Miss Teen South Carolina anytime soon, please warn me to walk in the other direction. I'd like to have a couple more years before I have to answer that question honestly.

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