Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking life 1 taco at a time...

The Taco Box is back!! This has very little relevance on this post, but it explains the pic and my childhood revolved around 10 tacos at a time (5 hard, 5 soft) so bear with me,

If you ever want to know how things in your life are going, take a look at where you live. Seriously. When my apartment is a mess, that means my life is going the way of the rainwater. Straight into the gutter.

Given, cleanliness is relative, so if you are an absolute neat freak, I'd start to get concerned when you have 5 unwashed dishes in the sink.

Makes me wonder in what other ways our life's difficulties manifest themselves...

How about a top 5 list?

1. Video Game Skills on the Decline

2. Propensity to fall asleep on the couch

3. A strange desire to purchase new socks

4. Working excessively hard in secondary pursuits

5. Signing up for a bonus program involving Taco Bell

Ok, that was totally random. However, I'm sure you could craft quite the peculiar list of your own. Hopefully though you can reclaim your life before hitting number 5. A body can only survive Taco Bell so many times...

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