Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Gnu Year

Ok, I'm only giving myself 8 minutes to write this blog post. (There are cookies in the oven!)

A lot of people use the New year as a reason to make resolutions. A time to make changes in their life. Many of these changes will only last until they imbibe on a little to much crunk juice the very same evening. Others punish themselves trying to keep their resolutions only to find out that they didn't really care about the original resolution they made.

I personally made a list of ten resolutions last year. I figured if I made ten I could then try to complete 3 of them before the end of 2010 and be quite successful.

... Let me pull out that list. Yup, epic fail. I accomplished 1.6. (Don't ask)

With 3 minutes to go until cookie euphoria (Mmmm!) Let me say this. Resolutions are for sissies. In the same way that Ed Rendell told off the NFL and city of Phila. for calling off the Eagles game due to snow (Eagles got their just desserts) We spend way to much time delaying things when we should just forge ahead in the face of complication.

So here's the challenge. During 2011, when the urge hits you to do something monumental, just do it. Rally your friends, scorn your enemies and make it happen or die. Even if you fail the stories will be awesome.

And you won't have to wait another 365 days to measure your disappointment (or legendary success)

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