Friday, January 7, 2011

Living In The Present

I promise to bring some irreverence back to this blog in the near future, but for the moment he I go being all serious again.

I'm not repeating where i heard this (for fear of protecting my man card), but while surfing through the TV channels I came across an interesting interview in which the topic of Michael Jackson came up.

No, I was not watching "To Catch a Predator". The key information was such:

Michael Jackson spent his entire life trying to re-create Thriller. even when he created Bad and sold 20 million copies, he wasn't satisfied, because he didn't match his initial phenomenon.

Kind of disturbing when you really think about it. Kind of sad too. I'm going to be doing my best to take this to heart because I'm definitely at fault for this in my personal life.

People close to me know the answer to this question: What is the proudest moment in my life?

The answer: Winning my 5th Grade Spelling Bee.

Relative to everything that I have done, I feel I worked the hardest, faced the most pressure and beat the toughest odds to accomplish that one single feat at the age of 10.

What does that say for the rest of my life?

It says I need to give myself a little more credit. Stop living in the past. And start being impressed by every little thing that I do. After all, I've been working hard for 28 years, if I don't recognize my own efforts, who will?

1 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lily in a Box !!

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