Friday, March 18, 2011


So, in 2 days I'll be a cripple. Ok, not quite. But after surgery (can't wait to
see how many people cuss me out for not mentioning this earlier...) I'll be
banned from physical activity for six weeks.

So to all of you bastards who enjoy poking fun at my physique, enjoy the flab.
And for those who encourage me, please contribute to my slim-fast fund.

There is a revelation here though beyond the usual, "why is my body betraying
me, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, WTF!" line of thought.

I never realized how serious/important fitness was/is to me. Now having it
ripped from me, honestly feels like a kick to the groin. Seriously, this is like
a top 5, maybe top 3 thing.

But alas life goes on. As a positive, I'm about to have an extra 8-10 hours a
week. Should I put it towards my poker game? Some game show pilots? Hamster

If you've actually read this far, you definitely have a say, so throw in a

And the countdown begins. T-minus 48 hours until someone better get me a rascal

1 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Have another Bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup and lay your Ass down now .. no complaints .. you have a great Body, Healthy as a Horse and Cute as a Button (ooops .. Handsome !!)

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