Monday, March 28, 2011

The Reverse Jigsaw

I consider myself an excellent puzzle solver. I rock the @wheeloffortune Twitter toss-ups (need to get back to playing those), whiz my way through crosswords (erase your dirty thoughts) and even complete the occasional (read: rare) jigsaw.

We're trained from a young age to be able to solve puzzles, but who is supposed to teach us how to take them apart?

In the philosophical waxing that my friends have become accustomed to, it seems stupid that we are taught to take risks, and that it's ok to make mistakes, but we are never really taught to fix them.

So instead of a world filled with accurately solved puzzles, we live in a world literally littered with mistakes. Katrina, BP, Japan's nuclear predicament, the list goes on.

For fear of reprisal, I'll refrain from irreverence, knowing he cries of "too soon" are always cocked and loaded in the mouths of the sensitive (again, erase your dirty mind) I just hope everyone has been provoked to think and consider the impact a "jigsaw reversal" (not a wrestling move or "Saw" movie) could have on their life.

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