Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thnks fr th mmrs

> At Sliders awaiting friends... Rubber match, yanks-sox... Blogging and beer.
> The image? Fall Out Boy obsession aside (don't hate), I want to thank everyone for my time in CT over the past 6.5 years.
> It's been fun and sad and crazy and sexy and cool and fetch. I could run on and on until the break of dawn, but as I prepare to move to California, I can't help but think Of super Mario Bros. 3. (yes, a "The Wizard" reference)
> In that game, Mario learns to fly with a raccoon tail. WTF? some Japanese programmer was clearly smoking crack when the came up with that one. Nonetheless, no matter how many times Mario is told that his "princess is in another castle" he always finds a (creepy, likely pot-induced) way to succeed.
> That will be me in Los Angeles. I'm more of a Yoshi, but I won't be laying eggs. I will succeed out there despite the odds and I hope those of you who have enriched my life do the same.
> Just because I'm moving 2400 miles away (Jeebus that's far!) doesn't mean I'm out of the picture. Call, visit and in the mean time rock on with your bad self. Just don't think you can replace me, I promise he won't taste any sweeter.
> One more night, one more time...

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