Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On the Brink

Is there ever a time when we are not on the brink? When there isn't a decision that looms at the forefront of our consciousness? A decision with such gravitas that we fear the wrong choice may alter the path of our lives?

So maybe that is a little dramatic, but nonetheless it's probably true. So true in fact that many of us choose indecision just to "take a break." This is because, unfortunately, every serious decision we make yields way to truckloads of work. Work to which we must hold ourselves accountable if we want our decision to stick.

With 2009 on the immediate horizon, it's scary (and maybe exciting) how many decisions we will be faced with. Let's just hope that as individuals, family friends and countrymen we have the fortitude to not only decide, but also fearlessly execute.

Hey, change is supposed to be good right (or is it just inevitable?)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Retro Rhapsody in Blue

I didn't think reliving this could ever be possible. Some might consider it a personal shame as i was less than 100 points shy of getting a free trip to the finals, but c'est la vie. I will always have fond memories of my time at the Jacob Javitz Center.

To think that someone has reproduced the competition cart from the 1990 Nintendo World Championships is mind boggling. How many kids today can rip though Super Mario Bros, Rad Racer and Tetris in 6 minutes and 21 seconds? And I don't just mean rip though, I mean do it with style, saving at least half the time to unleash a dervish of four-lined fury that will make your granny run and buy some "Oops, I crapped my pants!"

Now we just have to see how long I can resist buying this piece of Retro sweetness...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa. Baby?

It's Christmas time! Or Christmahanukwanzakah time... (Suck on that Spelling Bee kids!). But in reality isn't it just time for everybody to whine a little more? I mean, the weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, the economy sucks which means the gifts we'll get are gonna suck (or at minimum be cheap), the holiday specials on TV suck, my grammar sucks (at least when it comes to run-on sentences like this one) and don't even get me started on the trials and tribulations of enduring fruitcake.

All that said, here is my case for the death of Christmas cynicism. Every year, one man and his band of merry elves toil tirelessly to not only make the best toys in the world, but also deliver them to the kids that are worthy. Santa charitably donates his time and stuffs his keister into millions of chimneys (whether they exist or not) with the sole purpose of making all children, no matter which crayola crayon they use to color their face or how many 25 cent gumballs they can buy, smile.

And best of all, Santa doesn't actually exist (should I have made a spoiler alert... my bad.) Santa is a creation of man in the hopes that one day a year we can all be happy. That families can join together and share in the love of the season and the abundance that is life.

Sure, someone is going to argue that Santa is a commercial device, created as a bloodsucking leech on the wallets of middle-class America. Some might even say that he is an atheist distraction from the real meaning of Christmas.

And to you people I say, "Bah Humbug!" ...And Merry Christmas! (or Happy Holidays if that sounds better to you)

Just please, no one get me started on the Easter Bunny...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lack of Intelligent Life...

A lack of knowledge can make life very difficult. Yet some people seem to succeed despite this (see video). Is there something to be said of those of us that can succeed without the aid of mental fortitude? Frankly, it's pretty darn impressive.

I only wish that I had the ability to charm my way to the top, however, I like many others will instead have to follow the mundane route using my intelligence and guile. So,when the former Miss Teen South Carolina and I eventually meet face to face (it's bound to happen, right?) There is going to be one big question. And no, that question has nothing to do with offspring or "five to the face."

The question will simply be: Who's Smarter?

After all, the former Miss Teen South Carolina is fully aware of what her assets are and at a very young age has put them to great use. As for me, time will tell.

So, if any of you see the former Miss Teen South Carolina anytime soon, please warn me to walk in the other direction. I'd like to have a couple more years before I have to answer that question honestly.

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