Sunday, August 8, 2010

Angels vs. Demons

...and no I am not talking about Dan Brown. We don't get all "religulous" on this blog. All I am talking about is the constants internal struggle that we all face when we want to do something that we know is wrong or will hamper our goals.

Last night, I wanted to hand out with Ben & Jerry. Those of you who know me should know I have a vice for cookie dough. You should also know that I'm working very hard to get back into top shape. 1 + 1 = CONFLICT!

I actually walked down to the mini mart and opened the freezer door. I was committed to failure. Then the universe stepped in and made CCCD (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough) non-existent.

I could have cried right there. Instead I went to the cooler and grabbed some Arizona Iced Tea (diet, ironically). Then, I returned to the scene of the crime to double check my facts. Sadly, my Encyclopedia Brown skills were dead on and I walked out of there with 2 iced teas and a bill of $2.12

Now the weird part. 15 minutes later I ran 2 miles up and down Emmett St. At 10pm in the evening. Then I came back and had some baked chickena dn of course some iced tea. Seems like my personal devil was so discouraged by the lack of CCCD that my angel was able to get a lot of unimpeded work done.

If anyone would like to adopt my devil (he makes house calls) please message me. Once he gets a new job, I'm sure I'll be ready to take over the world.

1 Responses:

Mom said...

Yup ... Blue Bunny Cookies & Cream Ice Cream sitting in my freezer waiting for you .. Love your Humor

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