Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fake It Until You Make It

People by nature are predictable. Just like statistics, we generally all average out. However, with free will we can choose to be different and be less predictable. We can do the opposite of our impulses, break our tendencies and put forth a persona that is different from what everyone has known.

This is what many people would call "being fake" because one certainly, could not possibly "be real" if they are altering their natural actions, right?

Wrong. "Being fake" is nothing more than the initiation of change. Because eventually, if you stick with it long enough, your fake actions will become the real you. So go ahead, do the unnatural. Be awkward. Seek out the new you that you thought never existed. And when you feel that rush; that unknown, slimy, foreign and just plain weird guttural reaction that you can't quite put your finger on, embrace it. After all, every day is an opportunity to find a new you.

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