Monday, October 15, 2007

The Proverbial Horse

The gym is calling my name. It's been more than a month since I have had an effective workout and my body is feeling the havoc that my emotional state has wreaked. That said, when do you decide enough is enough. It's been written many times that change is imminent when rock-bottom is reached, but when do you stop beating the horse and get back on the horse.

There's a conflict here. You can beat a dead horse, or you can get back on the horse. Of course, getting back on a dead horse seems to have little purpose (much like beating it). Yet, when the horse bucks you off, you want to beat it dead. So Ms. Antoinette, how are we to go about obtaining our cake and eating it too?

Frankly, I have no clue. Or maybe I do. Follow along.

1. Horse bucks you off

2. You get pissed.

3. You beat the horse dead.

4. You get a new horse.

Really there isn't another logical option other than deciding to walk, but walking would be a form of admitting failure. Instead we get a blank slate, a horse that has no memories of our prior acts, and begin anew. Not a bad trade when you think about it. And to think all we ever do is dwell upon our prior failures when Mr. Ed is just ready to ride into the sunset. Giddy up!

2 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Mr Ed ??? How old are YOU

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

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