Saturday, October 6, 2007

Rage in the Cage

Anger truly is quite a fierce emotion. No other emotion (except for potentially sorrow) seems to have such a drastic effect on a person's demeanor. When anger is exhibited in it's purest form, Rage, the actions of an individual become unpredictable. Fists may fly, expletives may be shouted in blurts, but stranger yet, one may turn internally and swallow all the rage welling up inside them.

This pent up aggression is what yields the wildest results, because rage's best friends is time, and should rage be given the opportunity to think of the best way to create chaos, destruction is imminent. It is this calculated rage that often results in crimes of passion, on-the-job violations, backstabbing manipulations and more of the heinous moments that we as humans file away as regret. Funny though, somehow a night of sleep has a habit of making rage dissipate into a sleeping elephant. Just do not disturb that pleasant pachyderm from his peaceful slumber, as once he wakes up, he will not have forgotten anything.

1 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Elephants have Really BIG Feet ... might I ask where do you keep your Elephant hidden ??

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