Friday, January 6, 2012

Step 1: Drink!

...Step 2: Make mistakes. Step 3: Pretend you don't remember. Aside from being questionable advice, or my favorite way to party, let's insert an advertisement.

The aforementioned advice is a stolen lyric from Patrick Stump's album "Soul Punk". I won't tell you which song because you should get the whole record. (And legally damn it). This ends me forcing music upon you.

I now return you to my regularly scheduled blogging.

Why the hell do people need to be drunk in order to "have fun" or "be free". Anyone who knows me knows that I can be a pure-T fool anytime I feel like it without a "buzz". That's a pure-T fool, not to be confused with Mr. T as there is no pity here.

Have we been groomed by today's society to be so self-conscious that we repress the most fun and unique parts of our being. And I said fun and unique, not to be confused with "private"

Simply put I'm saddened every time I see one of my friends pull back. Given, around strangers it is wise not to expose the "full monty" of your lunacy, but around friends there should be an aura of safety. You should push the envelope and be encouraged to do so. And should you ever "cross the line" all you should ever receive is a kind request to tone it down, not a digital photo lynching on facebook or twitter.

Mind you, if you cross the line around me, I already line on the other side, so I'll greet you with open arms.

So I close this post with by urging you to examine yourself and push your limits. At worst you'll find which of our friends are just as jacked in the head as you are.

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