Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Gnu Year

Ok, I'm only giving myself 8 minutes to write this blog post. (There are cookies in the oven!)

A lot of people use the New year as a reason to make resolutions. A time to make changes in their life. Many of these changes will only last until they imbibe on a little to much crunk juice the very same evening. Others punish themselves trying to keep their resolutions only to find out that they didn't really care about the original resolution they made.

I personally made a list of ten resolutions last year. I figured if I made ten I could then try to complete 3 of them before the end of 2010 and be quite successful.

... Let me pull out that list. Yup, epic fail. I accomplished 1.6. (Don't ask)

With 3 minutes to go until cookie euphoria (Mmmm!) Let me say this. Resolutions are for sissies. In the same way that Ed Rendell told off the NFL and city of Phila. for calling off the Eagles game due to snow (Eagles got their just desserts) We spend way to much time delaying things when we should just forge ahead in the face of complication.

So here's the challenge. During 2011, when the urge hits you to do something monumental, just do it. Rally your friends, scorn your enemies and make it happen or die. Even if you fail the stories will be awesome.

And you won't have to wait another 365 days to measure your disappointment (or legendary success)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stars are Blind

**Warning: This Post Contains Torture!**

And No, that title was not just and excuse to post a video of Paris Hilton (If you knew me you would know that my tastes are much better than that).

I've said before that the only way to become a star is to be a star maker. After all, how can you be a star if you haven't taken the pre-requisite courses in sky darting, moonlighting and twinkle-ometry.

In all seriousness, I question sometimes if I have made enough contributions into making others stars. I try to improve the lives of those around me every day. Yet, sometimes my efforts are not appreciated and even met with resentment.

For that reason I have come to the conclusion that some people are just not meant to be stars or do not want to accept the responsibility that comes with stardom. Let me be clear, I am not referring solely to Hollywood-like fame. I'm just talking about being on the top of your game and feeling like the king or queen of the world in your life.

Some people seem to be content with being followers. And maybe that's necessary for the stars/leaders. I can't deny however, that the saddens me every time I see someone not striving for their full potential.

So, I say this with hesitation and possibly temporary regret. I have made a choice to focus my energies inward. I am going to make the assumption that I have put in my time making others stars and now it is time to be a star myself. I am sure this will irritate some people and I am sure that some people think I'm being preposterous as they think I am a star already, but in the immortal words of a taunting junior high student...

"Too bad, So sad"

And in the words of the Black Eyed Peas...

"Imma be spreadin' my wings, Imma be doin' my thang"

Yeah, I really shoul've posted the Blakc Eyed Peas vid instead of Paris ...blech

Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking life 1 taco at a time...

The Taco Box is back!! This has very little relevance on this post, but it explains the pic and my childhood revolved around 10 tacos at a time (5 hard, 5 soft) so bear with me,

If you ever want to know how things in your life are going, take a look at where you live. Seriously. When my apartment is a mess, that means my life is going the way of the rainwater. Straight into the gutter.

Given, cleanliness is relative, so if you are an absolute neat freak, I'd start to get concerned when you have 5 unwashed dishes in the sink.

Makes me wonder in what other ways our life's difficulties manifest themselves...

How about a top 5 list?

1. Video Game Skills on the Decline

2. Propensity to fall asleep on the couch

3. A strange desire to purchase new socks

4. Working excessively hard in secondary pursuits

5. Signing up for a bonus program involving Taco Bell

Ok, that was totally random. However, I'm sure you could craft quite the peculiar list of your own. Hopefully though you can reclaim your life before hitting number 5. A body can only survive Taco Bell so many times...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your Face!

So what do you do when you haven't posted in a while and don't know what to post? You pull inspiration from tried and true, juvenile insults!

Now some people would say that I should have went with "That's what she said"b but that would be trite and contrived.

I could have went with " bed" AKA "the fortune cookie game". It is after all on top of my mind after a gluttonous Chinese buffet dinner last night. (Happy Birthday Kelsey!)

Instead, I choose to go with... "your face". Frankly, I think it is one of the dumbest and most cliched retorts in existence. However, 1 singular moment from The Amazing Race has made it relevant again and any excuse to post the video is an excuse I have to take.

So I present to you: Why I Hate Watermelon: Part I.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Angels vs. Demons

...and no I am not talking about Dan Brown. We don't get all "religulous" on this blog. All I am talking about is the constants internal struggle that we all face when we want to do something that we know is wrong or will hamper our goals.

Last night, I wanted to hand out with Ben & Jerry. Those of you who know me should know I have a vice for cookie dough. You should also know that I'm working very hard to get back into top shape. 1 + 1 = CONFLICT!

I actually walked down to the mini mart and opened the freezer door. I was committed to failure. Then the universe stepped in and made CCCD (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough) non-existent.

I could have cried right there. Instead I went to the cooler and grabbed some Arizona Iced Tea (diet, ironically). Then, I returned to the scene of the crime to double check my facts. Sadly, my Encyclopedia Brown skills were dead on and I walked out of there with 2 iced teas and a bill of $2.12

Now the weird part. 15 minutes later I ran 2 miles up and down Emmett St. At 10pm in the evening. Then I came back and had some baked chickena dn of course some iced tea. Seems like my personal devil was so discouraged by the lack of CCCD that my angel was able to get a lot of unimpeded work done.

If anyone would like to adopt my devil (he makes house calls) please message me. Once he gets a new job, I'm sure I'll be ready to take over the world.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Letting Life Escape

As Janet Jackson once said, "Don't hold back just have a good time." --Escapade

It's amazing that it has been a year since I posted to this blog. Many things have changed. I've explored a little more of the world, made a few new friends and definitely added a few more accomplishments to the tally.

Unfortunately, almost all of these things have been material and I have spent very little time exploring myself.

Now before any of you let your minds take a dip in the warm waters of the gutter, hear this.

Life is a journey of discovery. A journey in which you Don't Stop Believin' (now stuck in my head). Spend time helping others, but don't forget to help yourself.

I shudder to think how much better my life and the lives of my friends would be if I had followed that last axiom for the last year.

Guess we'll have to wait one more year to find out. Sorry for the delay people, but A change HAS come...

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